Outreach Programmes
As we make our students aware and sensitive to world issues we educate them towards their societal responsibility to their immediate community and encourage them to think beyond the narrow confines of I and reach out to connect compassionately with all.
Vocational School
“Stitching and Tailoring, Beauty Culture, Jewellery Design Chocolate Making & Packaging”
The class are taken up by well trained teachers from Ministry of Human resource. 25 girls from the neighborhood community are enrolled for the same.
Ankuran - Save the children
ANKURAN our outreach program for children of the community is in its fourth year of a joint project with the NGO Save The Children, Delhi Chapter. 107 children belonging to migrant families living in the slum of Zumroodpur and around Kalkaji temple have been enrolled at the centre. Students at Bluebells and the project staff have worked robustly with the Resident Welfare Association, Market Associations and Police to make the neighborhood a Child labour Free Zone. In three complete years, this partnership has resulted in mainstreaming 300 students in private and government schools.
Bridge Program
In collaboration with the NGO Rohini Ghadiok Foundation, the After School Bridging the Gap Programme launched for classes III to V supported students from economically weaker backgrounds, providing academic intervention in written and spoken skills in English. The program not only benefitted the children with improvement in their social skills and academic performance but helped to build their self-esteem and confidence.
Summer Internships
The school students continue to make the most of their Summer Vacations by volunteering their service to various NGOs including
Udyan Care Old Age Homes
Naaz Foundation
Saalam Balak Trust
Deepalaya Prayas

The Access English Learning Programme
An initiative in association with American Centre, for the economically weaker section with minimal knowledge of English helped them develop basic communication skills in English.